JICFuS Seminar on Non-Perturbative Physics
なお、このセミナーは、計算基礎科学連携拠点(JICFuS)及び HPCI戦略プログラム分野5「物質と宇宙の起源と構造」のサポートを受けています。
京都大学 基礎物理学研究所 青木慎也、花田政範
大阪大学 理学部 大野木哲也、深谷英則
名古屋大学 素粒子宇宙起源研究機構 青木保道、山崎剛
理化学研究所 計算科学研究機構 蔵増嘉伸
- 講師:
- 西垣真祐(島根大学大学院総合理工学部)
- 日時:
- 5月24日(金)15:30~17:30
- 場所:
- 京都大学基礎物理学研究所 研究棟(新しい建物)K206
- 主催:
- 計算基礎科学連携拠点(JICFuS)、HPCI戦略プログラム分野5「物質と宇宙の起源と構造」
- 題目:
- Critical statistics at the mobility edge of QCD Dirac spectra in the QGP phase
要旨:I examine statistical fluctuation of QCD Dirac spectra above the critical temperature. In both cases of the staggered Dirac operators for SU(2) quenched and for SU(3) with 2+1 dynamical quarks at the physical point, their low-lying eigenvalues obey critical statistics described by the “universally-deformed” random matrix ensembles of symplectic and unitary classes. The latter RMEs has previously been shown by the speaker to serve as excellent phenomenological models of level correlations associated with multifractal wave functions, typical of Anderson localization transition. Precise location of the mobility edge is identified as the scale-invariant fixed point of the level spacing distribution. Fractal dimensions from the inverse participation ratios of quark eigenfunctions are consistent with those inferred from the criticality parameters obtained by fitting level spacings, indicating a close parallelism with Anderson tight-binding Hamiltonians. From these results I conclude that the localized Dirac eigenmodes, possibly associated with the defects of Polyakov loops, survive the thermodynamic limit.