開催案内:Hypernuclear physics with Electromagnetic Probes(2/22-28)


Hypernuclear physics with Electromagnetic Probes


理化学研究所 研究本館213

In Strangeness nuclear physics, one of the important purpose is to study light nuclei including strangeness from view points of few-body problem. And this is one of the main purpose in the Joint Institute for Computational Fundamental Science (JICFuS) and Strategic Programs for Innovative Research (SPIRE) Field 5.
Recently, at Jlab and Maiz, they are planning to produce single Λ hypernuceli. Some of projects were already run and we are having some epoch-making data. One of them is to obtain information on ΛN charge symmetry breaking effect. In this way, the project to produce Λ hypernuclei at Jlab and Mainz is one of the important project in strangeness nuclear physics. In the workshop, we will discuss with feature research projects at Jlab and Mainz together with theorists and experimentalist.

Organizers: E. Hiyama, Y. Funaki, T. Hatsuda, T. Nakatsukasa
contacting person: Y. Funaki (funaki[at]riken.jp)


22th February(Friday)
Free discussion (All day)

25th February (Monday)

10:00~11:00 P. Byzovsky
Models of Hyperon Photo- and Electroproduction on Nucleons
11:00~12:00 T. Motoba
(Osaka E.C. Univ.)
‘Prospects of electro-/photo-production of medium mass hypernuclei
12:00~13:30 Lunch
13:30~14:30 S.N. Nakamura
(Tohoku Univ.)
Electro-production of Lambda hypernuclei
14:30~15:30 P.Achenbach
Latest results from the hypernuclear decay experiment at MAMI
15:30~ free discussion
18:00~ Dinner at room 213, Main building

26th February (Tuesday)

10:00~11:00 E. Hiyama
Few-body calculation of light hypernuclei
12:00~ Lunch
14:00~ free discussion

27th February(Wendesday)

10:00~ M. Isaka
Structure of p-sd shell Λ hypernuclei modified and probed by Λ hyperon”Light hypernuclei with AMD
11:00~ Y. Yamamoto
hypernuclear structures based on ESC08c model
12:00~ lunch
14:00~ Free discussion

28th February (Thursday)

10:00~11:00 N. Shevchenko
K^- d elastic scattering and kaonic deuterium
11:00~12:00 A. Cieply
$¥bar{K}N$ interactions in view of coupled channels chiral dynamics
12:00~ lunch
14:00~ free discussion


Email:funaki [at] riken.jp(atを@に変えてください)

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