In order to promote leading-edge computational science research, it is important to establish a framework for advancing this research, in addition to performing the research itself. We will develop the next generation of researchers, manage large-scale calculation data, and implement public relations activities for multi-organization collaboration on post-K computing and Priority Issues.
Development of Human Resources
We will organize schools and conduct research meetings so that postdoctoral researchers and graduate students who are active as core researchers can develop a broad perspective and look at research in neighboring fields, while acquiring computational skills. These activities will also accelerate interdisciplinary collaboration. We will organize such activities for each sub-issue research field in an interdisciplinary manner, and in collaboration with applied mathematics and computer science.
Management of large-scale data
With researchers across Japan involved in Priority Issue 9, it is a major challenge to manage and transfer the large amounts of data obtained through large-scale calculations.
We will continue to use the proprietary Japan Lattice Data Grid (JLDG), which was originally maintained and operated for HPCI SPIRE Field 5, for Priority Issue 9. We will use JLDG in concert with HPCI shared storage to establish a platform for promoting research.
Public relations for multi-organization collaboration
We will collaborate with the organizations implementing the nine post-K computer priority issues and AICS, to engage in coordinated public relations activities. We will develop and implement new public relations strategies and plans, based on expertise and frameworks that we developed under HPCI SPIRE Field 5.